Write for The Ignite Blog
Thank you for your interest in writing for The Ignite Blog. We appreciate bringing in fresh perspective from nurses looking to authentically share their unique experiences with nursing education. Motivated to share your thoughts? Continue reading to learn what we are looking for in a guest post. Please fully read these guidelines before submitting a piece to our team.
Our Topics:
We cover nursing education topics that fall under the following categories-
Education and Development
Teaching with Technology
Today’s Nursing Climate
Teaching Resources
Our Process:
We enjoy strengthening the nursing education resources available to The Ignite Community, so that the educator inside of each and every nurse feels supported to succeed. As such, we are excited to include how-to and opinion/thought-leadership content from our guest bloggers! When you submit a piece to us, we will promptly review your work. We accept articles from bloggers and non-bloggers. Accepted articles will be grammatically correct and include accurate content that is respectful and beneficial for our community. To ensure we are meeting our community’s expectations, we may edit your article; however only articles that require very minimal editing will be accepted. Remember, our goal is for our community to feel confident that Ignite is a reliable resource for their needs.
Still interested? Continue reading for specifics on submission.
Develop and Submit:
Focus your work on practical and useful content that our community will be excited to read, as it is unique and does not cover ideas easily found elsewhere.
Offer clear takeaways that engage the reader to pause, reflect, and plan.
Include a brief introduction (25-50 words) and bio (50-100 words). You may opt to include LinkedIn and Twitter contact info in your bio, along with a link to your personal blog or website. Do not embed links. Include the link in parentheses immediately following the text to be linked. Bold the text to be linked.
Use the search bar on our blog before submitting to ensure that we have not already covered your topic.
Submit work that is new and original. We are looking for content that is written with The Ignite Community in mind.
We want you to take the time to put together your best work; therefore, we generally do not preapprove topics or provide submission deadlines. Once your article is ready, send it our way for consideration!
Email your text blog post in the following format-
Introduction to you, including your authority on your topic, of 25-50 words.
Topic post of 500-1000 words.
Your bio of 50-100 words (third person).
Submit your work via email to info@ignitenursingeducation.org in Microsoft Word format as a DOC or DOCX file, not PDF, with the title Guest Blogger.
We are glad you are here.