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Designing a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) Poster and Plan for Nursing Education

Writer: IgniteIgnite

Updated: May 25, 2021

In this post we will explore how we prefer to engage in learning experiences. This process is relevant for anyone who is teaching or learning, therefore, it is appropriate for us all. This idea can be used to support academic and clinical learning.

Creating Personal Learning Environment (PLE) posters and plans supports a creative and engaging process of envisioning the ideal learning, and by default as an educator, teaching space. PLE’s are individualized, and as such, can be created at any point in one’s career with or without regard to the current learning environment that they are functioning in. After creating the PLE poster and plan, updates should be made as time goes on and learning preferences and experiences change. Role development includes ongoing lifelong commitments to scholarship and maintenance of a spirit of inquiry to remain current in the nursing educator position. As we grow, our environments grow too.

It is imperative for the educator to understand his or her own style of teaching and learning. Building a PLE develops insight into one’s own education style and needs. While collaborating with communities of learners it is important to understand different learning styles and support a learning environment that is multifaceted and diverse. The poster should include multiple elements of your PLE, which can be represented in any way that you would like. The use of images, graphs, charts, drawings, or any other engaging material that is of interest, adds to the personalization of the process and the overall vision. Descriptions for the PLE poster can be reviewed in detail with a correlating narrative. Attention should be given to classroom presence, curriculum design, philosophy, diversity, and assessment and evaluative methods. The PLE plan is developed to discuss one’s own personal ideas and philosophies on nursing and education and how they plan to design an effective learning environment that meets diverse needs in support of 21st century teaching and learning. In addition, Personal Learning Environments further support the teaching and learning process when created by both the educator and the student.

The design of a PLE poster and plan promotes introspection with subsequent examination of the various aspects that make up our unique setting and procedural needs to thrive. When we understand more about ourselves, we are able to encourage the development of a space that we will thrive in as educators, while offering substantial playgrounds for our communities of learners to learn and grow in. Having a slide and a swing might not do it for us, but when we add a see-saw and a merry-go-round suddenly we are flourishing! Remember, when we teach we learn. We are all learners, the facilitator included!

Pause, Reflect and Plan:

Which do you prefer- paper or electronic posters? If you prefer paper, grab a sheet. If you prefer electronic, check out Glogster.

Now, take 5-10 minutes to mentally envision your Personal Learning Environment. Ask yourself, when/where/how/why do I perform at my best? What do I need?

Then, think about what supports a successful playground for learning.

Gather all of these thoughts and get to work on YOUR poster!

Take some time to really engage with your work. Connect with your poster. Think it through.

Finally, put your thoughts into words.

Note: In this post we primarily focused on design of the PLE poster and plan for the educator; however, as previously mentioned, this process is great for the learner to engage in and could be a positive addition to a first semester course.

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