We are Andy and Heather, a husband and wife team of nurse educators and your crew here at Ignite. We are excited to offer information and resources that are designed to ignite learning and spark the educator’s creativity and confidence in their ability to facilitate effective teaching-learning experiences. Our focus is both academic and clinical, as we center on the continuum of educational development, from class to floor.
We each have roughly a decade and a half of diversified practice in healthcare and our combined experiences build a solid foundation for our blog. As psychiatric nurses (adult and pediatric), we were introduced to developing and facilitating patient-centered content for group-style programming. From there, we recognized our love of educating and became informal mentors to prelicensure nursing students engaging in their clinical rotations. From years developing and facilitating patient-focused educational sessions, to facilitating academic education, to engaging in clinical leadership and nursing management, to completing degrees concentrated on nursing education in 21st century learning environments, to achieving certifications in nursing management and cultural competency, we come to Ignite ready to work with you all to meet today’s development challenges together. Our goal is to share our experiences as we learn and grow in hopes of helping others as they learn and grow too. Sometimes the world of nursing education can feel very isolating and mentors may be hard to find, but Ignite is designed to be a place for safe and welcoming connection. The basis of community is what brings voices and perspectives together, which is something that we love to highlight by welcoming guest bloggers to share their unique stories and understandings.
Whether you are the charge nurse or nurse manager looking to inspire development on your team, the novice educator branching into the academic or hospital-based education realms, or the experienced faculty member striving to incorporate new and exciting ways to ignite learning, we have got you covered! We come to Ignite as a team looking to continuously review best practices, while pulling together our experiences and insights, to share through our blog and Member Downloads, so that we can provide a place for educators to explore their growth too. With so many blogs out there for new nurses and nursing students, it felt time to develop one for the nurse educators and leaders of staff development.
So, head over to our blog to check out the nursing education resources by clicking the button below, and take with you what speaks to you for your needs by adding new thoughts and ideas to your mental backpack.
Welcome to The Ignite Community!
All our best,
Andy and Heather